Archive for CHANGE


Posted in Devotional Thought, Poems with tags , on April 17, 2014 by Lee


A missed potential. Forgotten. Put aside. Never considered. Almost. What should have been.

This is the description of my past; the shaping of my reality.

An armful of regret and self apology. Baskets and baskets full of “if only’s”, “do overs”, and “not good enough’s.”

This is the lenses of my eye; the color of my self-portrait.

A shrinking and crumbling. A wasting a way. Decomposing. Rotting. Drying up. Bleeding out.

This is the feel of my existence; the experience of my soul.

God enters the scene. The tear of a curtain. CHANGE!

A love with out condition. Remembered. Looked at. Complete. Achieved.

This is the description of my redemption; the renewal of my reality.

An unmerited grace and forgiveness. Baskets and baskets full of “come to me”, “I make all things new”, and “your are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

This is the lenses of God’s eye; the brush strokes of His portrait of me.

A consuming and completing. The rise of dry bones. Resurrecting. Fruit bearing. Spirit filling. Life giving.

This is the truth of my existence; the salvation of my soul.


LMF – April 2014