Archive for devotion

What song are you singing?

Posted in Devotional Thought, God's Word, Psalm, Psalm 16 with tags , , , on January 30, 2010 by Lee

Have you been watching American Idol? My family and I are not necessarily die hards. However, we try to avoid the trash of the opening auditions and watch the top 25 compete. It’s fun to watch the talent develop over time and see the cream of the crop rise to the top (in most cases).

As I have watched, I have discovered there are many threads that weave a good performance together. One key thread is song selection. A contestant choosing the wrong song will find themselves under a barrage of comments from the judges – “that is not the song for you.” Picking the right song becomes as important has singing it well.

Life is a song. (Can I say with out it sounding like a cliché?) But this song is sung with the way we live life. The lyrics are written by behavior not just words.

King David sang songs. He recorded several of those songs and they are found in the book of Psalm. One on my top 20 countdown list is Psalm 16. The inspiration for the lyrics in the psalm appear to be life itself. It is not uncommon for song writers to find the words for a song from the life they live. David expresses that here.

“Preserve me, O God,”; “You are my Lord, I have no good apart from you.” David found his life in the person who gave him life. He knew anything good in him did not come from him but from God.

“The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” David knew the good things from life, the ‘blessings’ were from God.

So he “set the Lord always before” him so he would not be “shaken” or beat down by life. David sang about God “making known to him the path of life” and finding “joy” and “pleasures” from God.

I wonder what song you are singing today? Do the lyrics reflect the grand presence of God in your life or does your song fall flat?